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About Us

ZipPlan: Creating A Simple Way To Turn A Dream Into A Reality!

ZipPlan is a tool to help entrepreneurs and small business owners develop a quick and useful business plan.


We believe at ZipPlan, every business needs a business plan. The business planning process should be easy for the small business owner.


ZipPlan helps you develop a customized business plan for your business. It does not cut corners in the business planning process. ZipPlan guides you through the steps of the process so you get just the right size plan to move your business forward. It explores your business concept, the marketing and sales, the financial piece and the management, but all at a level that is just right for your business.

Completing the ZipPlan template is easy. But you may have some questions and need additional support. We offer free webinars to help you move forward in developing your plan. Once you buy ZipPlan, you will be able to call in to the free webinars.

ZipPlan is part of the EntrepreneurTraining.com business development and training family.